Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Future experiences from 168 huaidan


一个有效的做法是open 任何一个trade 都跟上一个stop, 机械的加上.
Some etchy trades are mostly due to that I regard the time I am off work to precious, so that I more or less force myself to trade.
我感觉future最主要的是要把握住仓位,其次是不要stubborn,be flexible, be nimble,be open-minded。
这是一个普遍毛病如果事先把握后来机会进入报复心里一样回来如果回来甚至有SHORT 回来冲动.

Fortunes are made in a matter of weeks and lost in a matter of minutes. This pattern repeats itself as each new generation of traders hit the market. They hurl themselves out of the night like insane insects against some sort of karmic bug-light; all thought and all existence extinguished in one final cosmic.

1把winning streak 事. 10/19 连续最后为了一个虚荣连续盈利一个亏损位置亏损越来越
3分析LOSING TRADES 时候看看不是毛病造成毛病一时哪些属于然后情况坚决



Losing traders focus on winning trades and high percentages of winners. Winning traders focus on losing trades, solid returns and good risk to reward ratios.


The observation implies that it is much more important to focus on overall risk versus overall profit, rather than "wins" or "losses". The successful trader focuses on possible money gained versus possible money lost, and cares little about the mental highs and lows associated with being "right" or "wrong".


Losing traders often fail to acknowledge and control their emotive processes during a trade. Winning traders acknowledge their emotions and then examine the market. If the state of the market has not changed, the emotion is ignored. If the state of the market has changed, the emotion has relevance and the trade is exited.


If a trader enters or exits a trade based purely on emotion then his market approach is neither practical nor rational. Strangely, much damage can also be done if the trader ignores his emotions. In extreme cases this can cause physical illness due to psychological stress. In addition, valuable subconscious trading skills that the trader possesses but has no conscious awareness of may be lost. It is best to acknowledge each emotion as it is experienced and to view the market at these points to see if the original reasons we took the trade are still present. Further proof that this conclusion may have validity can be seen in even highly systematic traders exiting a trade for no apparent reason, and pegging a profitable move almost to the tick. Commonly, this is referred to as being "lucky" or being "in the zone".

-- 其实很多时候都有EMOTION, 自己还不觉得。刚TRADE 的时候知道有EMOTION,过了一段时间,一再控制,以为undercontrol了,其实更有害,一旦out of control 还不如明知道有EMOTION 干脆避免TRADE。时常碰到这种情况真是打击信心啊。心理负担加重更坏事

DT 时候知道预测跟随进去特别亏损倾斜预测比如--下面支撑等--那些本来应该进入工作


It is best to acknowledge each emotion as it is experienced and to view the market at these points to see if the original reasons we took the trade are still present.