Doug Hirschorn posted "13 Trader Resolutions for 2010" on a blog for CNBC. I thought it was worth passing on:
1. I will create game plans for all my trades.
2. I will only trade when I have an edge.
3. If I have 3 losing trades in a row, I will take a break, walk away, and clear my head.
4. I will never trade for revenge.
5. Any time I'm hoping, wishing, or praying, I will exit the trade immediately.
6. I will never give back more than half my profit on any trade.
7. I will keep a daily trading journal and email it to someone who will hold me accountable.
8. I will think in terms of probabilities and risk/reward.
9. I will remain objective in my trades by asking, "If I had no trade on, what would I do?"
10. I will never put more than 20% of my capital at risk in any single position.
11. I will not make trades just because I'm afraid to "miss out."
12. I will quickly recognize my emotions and compartmentalize them raither than waste time trying to get rid of them.
13. I will trade to make money, not to be right..
1 week ago